While i'm getting my life back together, please look at a fine selection of my photos:

Friday, January 25, 2008


almost end of jan. still a lot to do, and the main focus in the next few months will be:
* jan: BMW ready to sell,US Visa arrangements clear / Bike Transport & Flight ticket ready. Break in new Berik boots!
* feb: finalize TTR: tires/chain etc. ready to do weekend trips in march. still have to test riding with luggage. perhaps adjust suspention? further routeplanning Alaska; buy set of spareparts; check on travel gear: finalise purchase list
* march: vaccinations, visum??,
* april: quit job, long distances with TTR, chill...
* may: move stuff from house, chill a bit more, route planning, say goodbyes...

Do. 13 maart Inleveren ontslagbrief
Vr. 9 mei Motor naar Baggage.nl
Do. 15 mei Laatste werkdag
Di. 3-6-2008 Leave!